About Us
NuChem Corp is an industry leader in supplying a total systems approach for your water treatment needs. We are on the cutting edge of technology in performance chemicals, monitoring and service. NuChem has extensive experience in the chemical treatment of water systems for more than 35 years. With significant experience gained from large industrial and utility operations, we have applied many technical achievements in water treatment to our programs involving both cooling towers and boiler operations.

Reliable & Experienced Personnel
NuChem seeks to develop a productive partnering relationship with its clients. We are known for being very responsive to our customer needs. If the problem relates to corrosion, heat transfer, algae, slime, combustion and/or environmental concerns, NuChem is ready to marshal its forces and to solve those problems. NuChem is keenly aware of pollution control regulations affecting environmental compliance and regulatory matters. We work hand in hand with our clients on resolving problem areas and recommending reasonable solutions before they become costly.
Through our extensive experience, chemical knowledge and engineering know how, we have developed solutions and very comprehensive programs to control scale, corrosion and biological growth. Clean heat exchange surfaces are a defining objective in the NuChem Water Management Program. Timely, consistent and successful performance with a NuChem Program provides greater reliability, protects valuable assets and in many instances yields a saving in operating costs.
NuChem Corp Mission Statement
To operate our business in a responsible and professional manner. To be very transparent to all of our customers and clients and provide products and services of the highest quality. To exceed the expectations of our customers and to meet their needs in all areas that pertain to water treatment. To be knowledgeable and sensitive to the environment and provide that same commitment to all of our employees and customers. To grow and expand NuChem Corp as a contributing and responsible water treatment company.
NuChem Corp is proud to be associated with the following: